Create A Perfect Website

seamstress working on clothing
Just for me!

So, you have looked over the mini Monster website and you like our stuff, but maybe you need something that you don’t see here. Or, maybe you just don’t have the time to DIY.

mini Monster can create a custom website that will promote your business and improve your company’s bottom line.

Regardless of what business you are in, nowadays your company has to have a professional website. And if you need something more than a mini Monster template, we can help with that, too.

Our team has spent two decades building quick-loading, mobile-responsive, easy-to-use corporate websites that create and engage customers. We would love to help you with yours.

It’s all good. We’ve got you covered.

mini Monster with hard hat and tools

How We Create Your Website

Number One

Discovery Meeting

Our first and most important job is to listen.

We want to understand what you need out of a website. Tell us about the challenges you have in your business. How are you different from your competitors? What do you want a visitor to your website to do once they get there? Once we figure out what your site’s ideal purpose and audience is, we can start creating something that will help your business flourish!

In this discovery meeting, you will be speaking directly to the creatives who will be working side-by-side with you during every step of the process. Nothing will get lost in translation here!

Number Two

Design and Content

With all the knowledge we gain in the discovery meeting, we will start working on your website’s structure, navigation, and making sure that every word is crystal clear to your audience.

Of course, your site will also be crystal clear on any device you use to look at it! All of the websites that mini Monster designs and builds are easy to read on everything from a giant 30” display, down to that old iPhone 7 in the back of the drawer. No frustrating resizing and panning. No struggling to view your site. Just happy visitors.

And, finally, we work our magic on search engine optimization, to ensure that your audience can find you.

Number Three

Working Demo Site

While your website is being developed, you can follow its progress on a testing site. This lets you proof, edit, and test internally, making sure that everything is just right before we go live!

Number Four

Approval and Launch

Once your site is ready to roll, it’s time to go live and show the world! We will publish your brand new, shiny website and let you enjoy the compliments and reap the rewards!

Need Something Else?

Creative and Content

Already have a website, but need to update the look, improve the user experience, or refresh the messaging? We can create new designs and content for your current site.

Landing Pages

Running some digital ads and need an internet landing page for better conversion rates? Good thinking! Get in touch and we will make something great together.

Product Microsites

Releasing a great new product and need a great new microsite to promote it? From design to content creation and product renderings, we can help.

Let’s work together on this!

Tell us about your project so we can get working on it.